“The Oprah Myth” (2009)
With Oprah Winfrey’s astronomical success, the rise of the black woman in America has been well documented and celebrated. But when one considers that over the past thirty years, black men have been falling further behind black women in both education and employment, one has every right to question the rhetoric of the new Black Media Elite.
“Can the Teacher Be Taught? A Conversation with KRS-One” (1992)*
Before Jay-Z and Kanye, before Tupac and Biggie, there were Chuck D. and KRS-One: rap music’s reigning intellectuals. But back then, this title neither coveted nor attained crossover success. In this lively conversation, KRS-One riffs on race, American and African history, and the responsibility of Hip Hop. What we find are insights one can scarcely expect from stars today.
Transition: An International Review, Oxford University Press. Issue 57.
*Winner, Best Interview; ASCAP/Deems Taylor Award, 1993
“Antonin Artaud: A Twentieth Century Actor” (1985)
Though the Surrealists are well known and celebrated today, we must not forget that they once had a formidable adversary. What else could they expect from someone who founded The Theater of Cruelty? But as a tool for deciphering the absurd, Artaud’s ‘madness’ is no less valuable to us than the Surrealist’s ‘revolution’.
Subject To Change, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.
“Blame It On Muhammad Ali” (2023)
If the Civil Rights Movement shifted the ground of American race relations, then Muhammad Ali can be said to have laid the soil and seed for bolder expression. But while this made him the world’s most famous athlete, it also sabotaged the Christian humility that had been the bedrock of Black public discourse. The result has been militancy without discipline, prosperity without substance, and a mutual complacency in both the haves and the have-nots.
Available On Request
“The Grievance Test” (2023)

If America’s Right and Left are two wrestlers rolling in back of a Buffalo Wild Wings, then The Grievance Test unlocks the combatants one appendage at a time. How? By applying one, multi-dimensional standard for the growing list of contenders. Maybe then, we can get morality and self-interest back to their mutual corners.
“On Being Nice” (2024)

Though being nice can sweeten small moments and dampen awkward ones, it too often trades clarity for an ostrich peace, and lulls us into a dull, well-fed stupor. A far cry from its ancestor: kindness.
“The Public Library: RIP” (2024)

A dicey proposition from the start, the public library has always been able to resist the transformation from a practical mind to a technical one. Until now. Three nails (rudeness, illiteracy, and public policy) have fastened the coffin lid. Will technology supply the fourth?
“Interview With A Dog” (2024)

In this compelling exchange, man’s best friend hits back at coddling owners, asshole scientists, dog cuisine, and of course, cats.
“The Second Meeting” (2024)

The sudden appearance of talking dogs has caused more problems than anyone anticipated: overzealous scientists controlling what they eat, what they say, and who they fuck. But Socrates, the subject of our first interview, has a plan.
“The Circle Widens” (2024)

Not to be outdone by an ‘amateur’ interviewer, the scientists had their own plan for controlling things. When they failed to find his secret recordings, they reluctantly allowed him to interview three more dogs. Naturally, one was a plant, but which one even Socrates didn’t know. He did, however, alert the interviewer to someone who might help.
“My Mad Men Problem- And Ours” (2024)

Much has been made about Mad Men, the madly popular series about advertising in the ‘60’s. But whatever its flaws (moral evasion, smugness), the criticism echoed the same moral confusion, perhaps revealing the roots of today’s turbulence and disorder.
The Manly Wisdom Of ‘Taken’ (2024)

The near assassination of Donald Trump revealed, among other things, the failure of ‘soft power’ in moments of national crisis. Headed by a woman who mandated gender quotas over protecting an ex-president, the failure of the Secret Service also displayed their ignorance of movies like Taken. All the more reason to reassess its merits.